Utah Tech University

New Website Feedback

New Website Feedback
If your request does not meet any of these request types, feel free to email webservices@utahtech.edu if it is related to utahtech.edu websites, or helpdesk@utahtech.edu for anything else.
Wrong contact information, outdated content, wrong dates, or anything else that may provide misinformation to users.
If you clicked a link, menu item, or button and it did not take you where you needed to go, perhaps it is a broken link.
After attempting to follow the site structure to find a certain page/content, and searching via UT's search feature, I still couldn't find what I was looking for. Something may be missing, or it's buried too deep.
Something about the page is interfering with its functionality. For example, a button is unclickable, text is an unreadable colour, or elements are (unreasonably) stacked on top of each other.
First, check out our login troubleshooting guide before submitting your request.
This form is not for banner, Dmail, Canvas, or myUT logins. For help with those, please contact the IT Helpdesk, or change your password at https://changepassword.utahtech.edu.
Please note that other inquiries may be redirected to the following contacts:

UT Web Services is not obligated to forward your request to its proper contact, so please be sure you are reaching who you intend to reach.

Your Location *

Device Information

What device type are you on? *
What operating system does the issue happen on? *
What browser does this issue happen on? *